Tags Featured Director-General explains the wide powers of the Bribery Commission TISL August 16, 2010 “Persons who get caught taking bribes are not only penalised under the law but the society too rejects them. Public
Tags Featured TISL initiative on anti-corruption in private sector gains support TISL July 28, 2010 Business Leaders, Professionals, and Academics commended TISL’s private Sector Integrity Coalition to promote transparency and good governance in the Private
Tags Featured EU funds project to enhance Accountability in Local Governance TISL July 27, 2010 Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) is implementing its newest project funded by European Union (EU) to enhance the demand for
Tags Featured Parents told to encourage children to attend school TISL July 15, 2010 “Education is not only a human right and constitutional requirement but also a vehicle for poverty reduction. We must encourage