Tags Featured Transparency International will announce the winners of the Integrity Awards on November 12th TISL November 8, 2010 Transparency International will announce the winners of the 2009 and 2010 Integrity Awards on 12 November 2010, day three of
Tags Featured Sri Lanka records marginal increase in Corruption Perception Index TISL October 26, 2010 In the annual Corruption Perception Index (CPI) just released, Sri Lanka has increased its score marginally by 0.1 from last
Tags Featured Investigative Journalism Workshop in Trincomalee TISL October 25, 2010 Media personnel representing both electronic and print media in Trincomalee District participated at a two-day workshop on Investigative Journalism organized
Tags Featured TISL presents survey findings to stakeholders in Mawathagama TISL October 18, 2010 There was a positive response from public officials and members of the action committee when the findings of the Citizen’s