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Sensitizing and Engaging Media Personal in anti corruption initiatives Workshop on “Development Journalism”

With the principal objective to enhance the capacity of journalists in reporting on development issues while improving the skills on tracking developmental activities, TISL and Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) collaboratively conducted a mid career workshop with a group of 20 journalists on “development Journalism “from 23rd to 27th June 2008

Issues such as enhancing capacity of journalists on reporting on development issues while improving the skills on tracking development activities, increasing knowledge and competence in regard to reporting on corruption and publish more evidence-based media reports on corruption were extensively discussed.
It also focused on current trends in development reporting, people’s movements, nature of development, elements of bribery and corruption, development pacts, role of right to information in development pacts and role of journalists in development pacts.

Ms. Annie Zaidi, Chief Editor of Tehelka magazine of India was the main trainer. The resource persons were Mr. Asantha Sirimanna,journalist, Mr.J.C. Weliamuna, Executive Director TISL, Mr. Rukshana Nanayakkara Deputy Executive Director TISL.

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