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Polls Chief Bans promotions and transfers


Action taken due to several complaints

Elections Commissioner Dayananda Dissanayake has cancelled all appointments, promotions and transfers in all the Ministries, Departments, Corporations and Statutory Boards with effect from or after November 23, till the Presidential Election was over.

A spokesman for the Elections Department said that the order which is in force from November 23, the day the official declaration was made regarding the Presidential elections.

It was said that the Commissioner had resorted to such actions upon receiving powers vested on him by the Sections 104 (4) and 104 (A) of the 17th Amendment.

The directives from the Commissioner of Elections are due to be sent today (8th) to all Ministerial Secretaries and Heads of Departments.

The action had been taken after Mr. Dissanayake had received complaints that appointments, transfers and promotions were being made by the Government and Provincial institutions including Corporations and Statutory Boards violating the provisions in the Constitution.

In terms of these provisions it is necessary to suspend appointments, transfers and promotions in the State Services, Corporations and Statutory Bodies during the period of an election.

The period of an election is from the date of the proclamation issued to hold an election and until the date on which the result of the election was announced.

The period in relation to the forthcoming Presidential Election commenced on November 23 until the date on which the result of the election was announced.

It was hereby notified that any appointments, transfers or promotions effected on or after November 23, should be cancelled forthwith.

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