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Ongoing Projects

Period – 1st October 2022 - 30th September 2024
Value of Grant (in donor currency) – $107,169 (USD)

Project objectives –
To improve Sri Lankan private sector capacity in reducing internal corruption and promoting business ethics

  1. Improving Private Sector Capacity to Identify Corruption Risks and Promote Mitigation Measures
  2. Developing Knowledge Base on Corruption in the Private Sector, and on Private Sector Approaches to Anti-Corruption
  3. Launching the Private Sector Coalition Against Corruption  

Period – 25.09.2023 – 24.03.2025
Value of Grant (in donor currency) – 150,363.00 USD

Project objectives –

MCSCA’s goal is that journalists, media outlets, and civil society actors in Sri Lanka sustainably counter oppressive laws and other challenges so they can conduct fact-based reporting to better inform citizens and hold government and authorities accountable.

Objective 1: Sri Lankan media and civil society advocate for changes to and raise awareness on current legislation and policies that impede freedom of expression and the right to information.

Objective 2: Independent media work with civil society to inform citizens about economic, accountability and transparency issues that impact their community using the right to information law and other legal mechanisms.

Objective 3: Independent media and civil society collaboratively engage in communities to ensure the sustainability of citizen-led movements pressing for change.

Objective 4: Independent media and civil society actors develop resilient and sustainable coalitions.

Period – January 2023 - 30th November 2026
Value of Grant (in donor currency) – EUR 110,000

Project Summaries –

  • To raise awareness among civil society, private sector, and political stakeholders on international standards and reform options for political finance transparency and gender equality.
  • To Increase knowledge on how gender-sensitive civic monitoring and implementation of political finance integrity solutions work.
  • To improve skills of civil society groups and oversight agencies to deploy gender-sensitive political finance monitoring and implementation solutions.
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