In total Milestones under the OGP 12 Commitments


In progress



In progress

THEME : Corruption (Lead Agency - Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery and Corruption )

Commitment : Improve public engagement for prevention of bribery and corruption through the presence of Integrity Officers within public authorities

Cabinet approval is obtained to appoint Integrity Officers in all public institutions and circular instructions are issued accordingly.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 31/07/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Role and responsibilities of Integrity Officers are disseminated by electronic, print and digital media and a public awareness campaign. Integrity Officer contact details and functions are displayed at the entrance of all public institutions (trilingual and Braille) and websites.

Start Date 1/07/2019
End Date 31/12/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Citizen Charters providing information on the type of services provided, costs for such services, delivery time etc are displayed in every service providing institution

Start Date 1/07/2019
End Date 31/12/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Examine procedures and circulars in operation in the institution, and where such procedures and circulars lack clarity or are complex, take necessary steps to make them simple and clear.

Start Date 1/01/2020
End Date 31/07/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Where required, under the guidance of the Head of the Institution, appoint a ‘Facilitating Officer’ to guide and facilitate the public.

Start Date 1/01/2020
End Date 31/07/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Commitment : Establish an effective asset declaration system to ease submission, verification and public access

1. Asset declaration online portal introduced with a public launch following relevant legal amendments.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 31/12/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

2. Citizens are provided information on public access through a public information campaign using electronic, print and digital media

Start Date 1/01/2020
End Date 30/06/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

3. Creating an ‘Office of Assets Disclosure’ to be responsible for collecting, analyzing and taking necessary actions on assets declarations

Start Date 1/01/2020
End Date 30/06/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

4. CIABOC provides annual reports on the status of prosecutions undertaken based on asset declaration verification

Start Date 1/01/2020
End Date 31/12/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Right to Information (Lead Agency - Ministry of Finance)

Commitment : Increase the use of Right to Information (RTI) among citizens and improve public authorities' response to RTI implementation by 2020

1. A disabled-friendly online RTI request portal will be established by the Ministry with the support of Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) /other contracted entities with 10 public authorities enlisted initially, and with 50% of all public authorities enlisted and accessible by end of NAP period. The Ministry will conduct testing for user and disability friendliness, prior to the launch of the portal. The portal will track gendered data on RTI usage on the portal.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 31/12/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

2. E-record management system is developed and introduced to 10 public authorities. The number of public authorities will be increased to 50% of all public authorities by end of NAP period.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 28/02/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

3. There is a 50% increase in RTI requests made over the previous year, and information given, by 30th August, 2019 based on RTI Commission Annual Report; 75% on top of 2019 baseline, by 30th August, 2020. A summary data sheet will be available for public access by the Ministry.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 28/02/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

4. Ministry in consultation with citizens and engaged CSOs will guide 5 selected Divisional Secretariats, 5 District Secretariats and 5 Ministries each NAP year, to continually make available proactive information as per Regulation 20 of Gazette No. 66/2004 (mandatory) on their respective websites and physical premises on a monthly basis. The names of these public authorities will be made publicly available each year.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 28/02/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Health (Lead Agency - Ministry of Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine)

Commitment : Establish a sustainable mechanism for citizen participation in health sector development

1. A sustainable mechanism will be introduced to enable citizen participation for health improvement through formalizing existing networks of Sarvodaya and Peoples Health Movement.

Start Date 1/04/2019
End Date 29/02/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

2. A people and professional friendly ministry website will be developed, improving the image of the organization in health development whilst engaging all for health improvement.

Start Date 1/04/2019
End Date 30/06/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

3. A drug supply management information system up to primary care level is created informing stock outs to both providers and people.

Start Date 1/04/2019
End Date 30/06/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

4. Information on food based research relevant to CKDu will be made available to citizens through an organized communication strategy.

Start Date 1/04/2019
End Date 29/02/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

5. An evidence based mental health improvement communication campaign will be launched in schools and other social institutions

Start Date 1/07/2019
End Date 30/06/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Education (Lead Agencies -Ministry of Women & Child Affairs & Dry Zone Development, Child Protection Authority)

Commitment : Change behaviour of school children to say “No” to Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol and other Substances by 2020

1. School Drug Prevention Committees will be established and strengthened in 6400 secondary schools to implement strategies to discourage use of drugs among school children.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 30/06/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

2. Strategies will be implemented through Rural Committees to discourage drug use by children outside school premises.

Start Date 1/05/2019
End Date 31/08/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

3. Drug prevention activities for children will be implemented through the intervention of religious leaders and religious places.

Start Date 1/09/2019
End Date 30/11/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

4. The School Drug Prevention Programme will be monitored.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 31/08/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

5. An Annual Summit will be held to review the School Drug Prevention Programme and share best practices.

Start Date 1/09/2019
End Date 30/09/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Information and Communication Technology ( Lead Agency - Ministry of Digital Infrastructure & Information)

Commitment : Deliver cost effective and reliable government information devises to citizens by improving GIC - 1919, Government websites and Open Data digital platforms

1. Government Information Center knowledge platforms (GIC – 1919 trilingual Call Centre, GIC Website and Social Media sites) are operationalized with content support for information on government services of additional 80 government organizations.

Start Date 15/07/2024
End Date 30/09/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

2. New features are introduced for GIC-1919 platforms to support differently-abled citizens to access information on government services.

Start Date 15/07/2024
End Date 31/03/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

3. Multiple communication approaches are implemented to increase citizens’ awareness of government services provided via GIC-1919 platforms. Surveys will be conducted on citizens’ awareness on GIC1919 services every 6 months with citizens’ participation. The Survey reports will be made publicly available at six month intervals.

Start Date 1/07/2019
End Date 31/03/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

4. Number of open data-sets hosted in is increased from 300 to 2,000.

Start Date 15/07/2024
End Date 31/03/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

5. The effectiveness of all government websites is rated based on their performance and an assessment report is produced bi-annually.

Start Date 1/07/2019
End Date 31/12/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Agriculture (Lead Agency -Ministry in charge of Agriculture)

Commitment : Empower farmers with an Agriculture Decision Support and Agribusiness Support System

1. Fully functioning and update databases are available for farmers to receive crop cultivation and crop forecasting information.

Start Date 15/07/2024
End Date 1/06/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

2. An e-Agriculture Platform is in place as a decision support tool for farmers to obtain relevant information on Agriculture such as crop recommendation, seed availability, technology availability, local officers to be contacted for advice and market information. Updating existing databases, development of APIs to link them with e-Agriculture Platform and development of new databases if needed.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 1/06/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

3. A database is developed for farmers to receive daily price list on crop produces.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 1/06/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

4. A Web / Mobile app based service is introduced linking buyers and sellers of agriculture sector with the possibility of exploring the local and international market in agriculture.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 1/06/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

5. IT infrastructure development, publicity and capacity building.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 30/06/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Housing (Lead Agency - Ministry in charge of Housing and Construction)

Commitment : By end 2020, implement mechanism for participation of persons with disabilities to determine housing allocations for 3200 identified low income families

A project proposal to provide housing for PwDs to fulfill the housing requirement by 2020 will be made and special budgetary allocation will be secured.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 31/05/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Cabinet approval will be sought to establish a National Housing Steering Committee with a mandate of ensuring the participation of all relevant stakeholders to solve the housing problems of PwDs and monitor the process. The Steering Committee will include PwDs in the membership.

Start Date 1/05/2019
End Date 31/05/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

The housing programme will be implemented with the participation of relevant stakeholders at the district level.

Start Date 1/07/2019
End Date 28/02/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

The progress of the housing programme will be monitored quarterly.

Start Date 15/07/2024
End Date 31/08/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Disability Rights ( Lead Agency - Ministry in charge of Social Welfare)

Commitment : Disability Rights bill formulated with public participation in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and enacted by the Parliament by 2020

The existing bill is revised based on public consultations in line with UNCPRD by the Ministry in charge.

Start Date 1/01/2019
End Date 31/05/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

The draft will be available in alternative modes of communication for persons with disabilities (i.e. Braille, Sign Language etc.) for comments and feedback.

Start Date 1/12/2019
End Date 30/04/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Approval by the Parliamentary subcommittee and enactment of revised bill by Parliament.

Start Date 1/05/2020
End Date 30/09/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

The Ministry implements island wide publicity campaign on the provisions of the revised Disability Rights Act highlighting the entitlement of persons with disabilities.

Start Date 1/10/2020
End Date 28/02/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Disaster Management (Lead Agency - Disaster Management Center)

Commitment : Ministry in charge of Disaster Management to identify, prepare, implement and monitor disaster management activities in a participatory manner

Disaster Management Centre (DMC) will review the existing preparedness plans through a consultative process including affected parties, CBOs and other stakeholders.

Start Date 1/04/2019
End Date 30/09/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

DMC will facilitate community and stakeholders to prepare Disaster Preparedness Plans at District, Divisional and Grama Niladhari Division levels.

Start Date 1/10/2019
End Date 30/06/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Disaster management guidelines will be prepared through a consultative process with marginalized/ vulnerable groups. Consultative meetings will be held with all stakeholders to identify the needs. The guidelines will be disseminated and training on the implementation of the guidelines will be provided to stakeholders.

Start Date 1/04/2019
End Date 30/11/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

A system is established to effectively disseminate early warning messages to grass-root level communities. Early warning messages will be relayed via SMS to identified community leaders to be conveyed to other community members in the area.

Start Date 1/10/2019
End Date 30/06/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Based on the District Divisional and GN plans, a comprehensive Disaster Preparedness Programme including a government response mechanism is developed by each Ministry.

Start Date 1/07/2020
End Date 30/11/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Environment (Lead Agency - Ministry of Mahaweli Development & Environment)

Commitment : Climate change challenges to be comprehensively incorporated in the National Environmental Policy and the Act in a participatory manner by the Ministry in charge of Environment

Conduct wide stakeholder consultations to review the existing National Environmental Policy to identify gaps and areas of improvement to address climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 30/06/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Formulate a new National Environmental Policy that will comprehensively address climate change aspects in a participatory manner.

Start Date 1/07/2019
End Date 30/06/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Women (Lead Agency - National Women's Committee)

Commitment : Establish a transparent and answerable process to implement selected Concluding Observations of the Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in work plans of related Ministries by 2020

A Single Employment law will be drafted by the Ministry of Labour will also include “Equal pay for work of equal value” (in line with the ILO Convention 100 obligations) mandatory in the informal sector. Operation of the Regulations will be monitored and gender segregated data on wages in the informal sector will be collected by the Ministry of Labour. National consultation report will be published in open data format in the Labour Ministry website in all 3 languages.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 30/09/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

National level consultations will be held with relevant ministries and civil society organisations on the draft National Action Plan on women headed households in districts where WHH are predominant. The consultation report will be published in the Ministry of Women’s Affairs website in all 3 languages in open data format. Final policy and plans will be presented to WHH and implemented.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 31/07/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Sexual Harassment Committees will be established in at least 75% of the Ministries for the formal sector. Training and monitoring of the Committees will be carried out by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs. Annual reports of the Sexual Harassment Committee (including for example number of cases, nature of cases, action taken, victim protection measures etc.) will be published in websites of individual ministries in all 3 languages. Ministry of Women’s Affairs will collate all Committee reports and publish one report annually in the website in all 3 languages in open data format.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 31/03/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

A minimum of 1/3 representation of women in Parliament will be ensured by extending pressure and lobbying with political parties for the provision of a quota system in parliament through amending election laws along with CSOs. The Consultation report with the political parties will be published in the ministry website in all 3 languages. June 2019 February 2021.

Start Date 1/06/2019
End Date 28/02/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

In continuation of the 2016-2018 OGP NAP, land laws will be amended to: a) allow for State Land allocation in joint ownership; b) repeal the III Schedule of the LDO; c) repeal sections on succession.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 30/06/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Local Government (Lead Agency - Ministry of Provincial Councils, Local Government & Sports)

Commitment : Strengthening the Committee System in Pradeshiya Sabhas with citizen participation to improve local service delivery

Pilot local councils representing 3 districts in the Western Province will be selected and council members and citizens will be provided basic awareness on the Council Committee system. The awareness programmes will reflect the capacity of citizen participation in Council Committees.

Start Date 1/05/2019
End Date 31/08/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Committees with citizen representation will be established in pilot councils. Technical support and skills for the effective functioning of the Committees will be provided with the assistance of external facilitators.

Start Date 1/08/2019
End Date 31/08/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

A maximum of 5 by-laws will be prepared in consultation with the Council Committees. The by-laws will be identified on the basis of required needs through a consultation process facilitated by an external consultant. They will be drafted with the assistance of legal officers and with support from the Western Provincial Council.

Start Date 1/10/2019
End Date 30/06/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

A statute to strengthen the “Prajamandala” at Provincial Council level – Western Province will be developed.

Start Date 1/07/2019
End Date 31/12/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

A mechanism will be provided to provide scaling up support to replicate the experience in other Pradeshiya Sabha, Urban Councils and Municipal Councils.

Start Date 1/07/2020
End Date 30/09/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Transport ( Lead Agency -Ministry of Transport & Civil Aviation)

Commitment : Improve public bus transport based on passenger needs and feedback

Surveys will be conducted by the National Transport Commission to collect information for route designing.

Start Date 1/07/2019
End Date 30/09/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

A transport related information database will be created and access will be provided through transport ministry’s website

Start Date 1/10/2019
End Date 31/12/2019
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

A coordinating mechanism will be developed by the National Transport Commission to obtain feedback regarding the transport service from passengers and a grievance handling mechanism will be set up.

Start Date 1/01/2020
End Date 31/08/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

THEME : Children (Lead Agency - Ministry of Women & Child Affairs & Dry Zone Development)

Commitment : Promote the creation of a child friendly environment by implementing the 2018 Concluding Observations of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in a participatory manner.

New laws and policies (eg: Alternative care policy) will be introduced and implemented.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 31/03/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Child Rights Protection Committees at rural, divisional, district, provincial and national levels will be strengthened.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 31/03/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Societal awareness on the importance of child rights protection will be enhanced.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 30/09/2020
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete

Take action based on the study made on the reintegration of institutionalized children into society.

Start Date 1/03/2019
End Date 31/03/2021
  • Started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Complete
  • Incomplete