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Jayalalithaa wants to know the fate of Sri Lankan aid


CHENNAI: AIADMK general secretary Jayalalithaa wants to know the fate of the Rs 500 crore aid already sent to the Sri Lankan government for the resettlement of the Tamils.

In a press statement released here, she said DMK chief and Chief Minister Karunanidhi pursuaded Union Home Minister P Chidambaram to announce that the India would send Rs 500 crore more to Lanka for the resettlement and rehabilitation of the Tamils there.

“What happened to the funds already sent to the Sri Lankan government? How many Tamils have been resettled and rehabilitated with it?’’ she asked.

The AIADMK leader also questioned the claims of a delegation of parliamentarians of the ruling alliance from Tamil Nadu, which visited Lanka recently.

“They came back claiming that 58,000 IDPs were being released from the camps. Independent reports from Sri Lanka indicate that no such release has taken place so far. Is Karunanidhi trying to fool Tamils with these gimmicks?” she added. (Express Buzz)

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