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Global Corruption Barometer 2019 – Sri Lanka

The Global Corruption Barometer is the world’s largest public opinion survey on views and experiences of corruption conducted under the guidance of Transparency International (TI), the leading global movement against corruption. As a poll of the general public, it provides an indicator as to how corruption is affecting individuals on a national level and how efforts to curb corruption around the world are viewed on the ground.

The Global Corruption Barometer 2019 – Sri Lanka, published by Transparency International Sri Lanka, a National Chapter of Transparency International, is a summary report of a survey conducted in all 9 provinces in the first quarter of 2019. Its key findings capture the experience and perception of corruption among the Sri Lankan public as well the willingness to act against corruption. The Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) survey incorporates the views of 1,300 citizens aged 18 – 80 years across Sri Lanka.


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