The former Chairman of the Lotteries Board has been accused of having caused a loss of Rs. 9.82 million to the Lotteries Board by appointing a tax consultant as adviser to the Board.
The Commission to Investigate into Allegations of Bribery or Corruption yesterday filed a report before the Colombo Chief Magistrate Court alleging that the former Chairman of the Lotteries Board Ahmed Imtiaz Ismail of Isipathana Mawatha Colombo 5 had committed corruption punishable under Section 70 of the Bribery Act.
The report stated that during the period 24 April 2002 to 5 April 2003, the suspect acting as the Chairman of the Lotteries Board had directly or indirectly influenced the members of the Director Board to appoint Gajma and Company as tax consultants to the Lotteries Board in order to earn unlawful profit to the concerned company, and thereby had caused a loss of Rs. 9.8 million to the Lotteries Board.
The Commission produced 22 productions with seven witnesses in support of their case.
Colombo Chief Magistrate Rashmi Singappuli issued summons on Ismail to appear before court on 3 May 2013.