by Panwila J Thalwatta – The Island
Colonists of Madulkele housing scheme are faced with numerous problems pertaining to drinking water.
They say that the drinking water supplied by the Panwila Pradeshiya Sabha is unfit for drinking with germ infested.
The water is obtained from a source flowing from the estate lines of Madulkele estate and from Jalamaditha. It is contaminated with the waste matters of wild animals.
The storage tank for water and the tank issuing water are unclean and tanks are uncovered.They have not been repaired for many years.
Colonists that pay taxes and water bills to the Pradeshiya sabha are given step motherly treatment. They lament and have questioned the local government institute.
The Colony housing scheme commenced around 1979 has about 40 houses with around two hundred living in them. The majority are engaged in odd jobs. Invariably their children fall sick due to drinking contaminated water, they told this paper.
A carpenters living Mr. R. P. Wijesiri stated neither the government nor the Pradeshiya Sabha pay any attention. Though they collect taxes any money for the water no service commensurate to the payments made to the PS given back. On rainy days you can’t look at the water at all. Sometimes worms come floating in with the water. As there is no other source to get water me are compelled to use them. On certain days even this contaminated water does not come to the colony.
Mr. P. Doraisamy a retired factory officer said.
“Water we get is full of germs and unfit for drinking is revealed from the tests done by the health officers. It is contaminated with droppings of wild boar, rats and serpents. I have enlightened those responsible. But there has been no solution. PS officers only collect money – revenue taxes and water bills. There are a number of PS members in this area. They also have ignored this area.
Mr. P. G. Upali – In this colony within the revenue collecting area in addition to the water issue there are some more problems. No street lamps. There are no public toilets and urinaries. For the needs of the villagers there is no community centre. As the PS has ignored the needs of this colony people living in them are faced with innumerable problems.
Mrs. M. Bisomenika – I live on doing oddjobs. We don’t have any income to get pipe borne water. We use the public taps. But PS recently dismantled the read taps.
Water supplied to Madukele District hospital and to a section of the bazaar is not at all fit to drink. On rainy days water flowing from the hospital and the bazaan in nudate the area.