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Amnesty says respect human rights


Amnesty International called on all candidates standing in Sri Lanka’s Presidential elections on January 26 to end widespread human rights violations and the culture of impunity that continues to plague the country. On Monday, the organization issued a 10-point Human Rights Agenda for all candidates.

“Candidates should commit to restoring respect for basic rights, like life and liberty, ending arbitrary arrests and detention, enforced disappearances and torture, and to restoring respect for freedom of expression”, said Yolanda Foster, Amnesty International’s Sri Lanka specialist.

“In the longer run, what’s needed is to rebuild Sri Lanka’s institutions so that they can protect efficiently and without discrimination. That’s the only way to restore public faith in the justice system.”
“Accounting for the past is only part of the challenge. This election could be an opportunity to improve the human rights of millions of people, but this can only happen if the authorities make a real commitment to respect rights and enact reforms.
“Immediate steps can be taken to improve human rights protection. The government must repeal emergency laws like the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Journalists like J.S. Tissanaiyagam have been wrongly imprisoned under these regulations while hundreds of prisoners held without charge or trial are simply forgotten”.

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