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Amending the Declaration of Assets and Liabilities Act


The Declaration of Assets & Liabilities  is a global best practice designed to address issues relating to  abuse of power, corruption, and misuse of State resources.  It  aims to increase public accountability and transparency by pushing public office bearers to not just declare their assets and liabilities but also to declare how they have amassed their wealth.  The Assets and Liabilities Act of Sri Lanka however, while making provisions for individuals to request for this information through a payment of Rs. 750, also has in place legal restrictions that prevent individuals from publicising the information obtained. This provision restricts the public from taking any concrete action against officials and have negatively impacted the fight against corruption. . Transparency International Sri Lanka together with other CSOs committed against corruption , have compiled a number of propositions to amend Sri Lanka’s Declaration of Assets and Liabilities Act, primarily by recommending the removal of the clause that obstructs the public from publishing and using the Act to expose corrupt officials and initiate investigations. Further, with the new proposed amendments TISL urges the government to take action to align the Declaration of Assets and Liabilities Act within the principles of good governance and a strong notion of adhering to the elimination of corruption in the country.

Read : Amendments to the Asset and Declaration of Assets and Liabilities Law No. 1 of 1975 [ENGLISH]   [SINHALA]

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