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Their job description   

The coordination and promotion of the Ministries would be the role of the Senior Ministers, according to the gazette notification on the subjects of the Ministries.

Senior Minister of Good Governance and Infrastructure will have to coordinate with highways, electricity, telecommunication, transport, agriculture and irrigation.

The Senior Ministries of Human Resources will have to coordinate with education, vocational training, health, sports, women and childrens affairs and social development Ministries.

Senior Minister of rural affairs will have to coordinate with the relevant Ministries to empower the rural community economically and socially and the coordination of food, agriculture, trade and commerce, animal husbandry, and health will be handled by the Senior Minister of food security.

The Senior Minister of Urban affairs will have to coordinate infrastructure facilities, health, education, housing and highways.

The Senior Minister of social welfare will have to coordinate with social services, education cultural affairs, arts and crafts, health, women and child affairs, justice and labour.

The Senior Minister of consumer welfare will have to coordinate with the Ministries handling trade, commerce, food, cooperative, agriculture, fisheries, economic development and electricity.

The coordination of environment, lands forests national heritage, cultural and state resources will have to be done by the Senior Minister of National Resources.

The Senior Minister of Scientific Affairs, the coordination of Science, research, technology, education, information technology, Industrial development and engineering services have been allocated.

Minister of International monetary cooperation, will have to over see and coordinate with the Ministries of Finance, economic development, foreign affairs, foreign employment, trade commerce, science, technology and industries.

Sri Lanka Tea Board which was under the Ministry of plantation has been assigned to the Ministry of Finance.

Gems and Jewellery Authority that was under the Ministry of Rural Industries has been assigned to the Ministry of Environment.

Wildlife Conservation Department, Agrarian Development Department and fertilizer companies have been assigned under the Wildlife Ministry.

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