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Karu accuses govt of incompetence, corruption

The Island:

Tabling a list of 54 loss making public enterprises in parliament on Thursday, UNP Deputy Leader MP Karu Jayasuriya accused the government of incompetence, waste and corruption.

MP Jayasuriya said that among the biggest loss making institutions were the Sri Lanka Ports Authority with a Rs. 101,963 million loss in 2009, the CEB Rs. 16,800 million and Ceylon Fertilizer Company Ltd. Rs. 21,258 million.

He said: “While the State institutions are running at a loss, the government demands that people tighten their belts. Taxes are raised and those trying to make ends meet are further burdened, while the UPFA wastes the taxpayers’ money on tamashas, such as the swearing-in ceremony of the President.

“A family which consumed 45 kilos of rice per month in 1985 today consumed only 36 kilos. These are not our figures but the official figures of the Department of Consumer and Statistics,” the MP said.

The list tabled by MP Jayasuriya is as follows:

Losses Incurred by State Institutions

in 2009 (Million)

1) Sri Lanka Transport Board 3,824

2) Urban Development Authority 673

3) Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation 350

4) Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation 30

5) State Printing Corporation 23

6) State Pharmaceuticals Corporation 952

7) Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital 868

8) National Livestock Development Board 32

9) Ceylon Fertilizer Company Limited 21,258

10) Colombo Fertilizer Company Limited 17,752

11) Paddy Marketing Board 31

12) Agriculture & Agrarian Insurance Board 891

12) Lanka Logistics Private Limited 6

13) Ceylon Fisheries Corporation 57

14) Ceylon Fishery Harbour Corporation 386

15) CEY-Nor Foundation Limited 85

16) Osu Govi Limited 15.7

17) Ceylon Ceramic Corporation 41.4

18) Sri Lanka Cement Corporation 80

19) Kahatagaha Graphite Lanka Limited 10

20) Lanka Mineral Sands Limited 93

21) Local Loans & Development Fund 838

22) National Paper Corporation 102

23) B.C.C. Lanka Limited 0.2

24) Thuru Saviya Fund 20.9

25) Sri Lanka State Plantation Corporation 58

26) Elkaduwa Plantation Limited 30

28) Palmyrah Development Board 80.4

29) Sri Lanka Cashew Corporation 105

30) State Trading Wholesale Estab. Co. Ltd. 9.36

31) Informatioin Communications Tech Agency of SL Ltd. 1,721

32) Ceylon Petroleum Corporation 4,800

33) Ceylon Electricity Board 16,800

34) Sri Lanka Ports Authority 101,963

35) Ceylon Shipping Corporation Limited 81

36) Mihin Lanka 1,575

37) Sri Lankan Airlines Limited 16,439

38) National Water Supply & Drainage Board 21,390

39) Securities & Exchange Commission 182.8

40) SL Accounting & Auditing Standards Monitoring Board 22.12

41) Insurance Board of Sri Lanka 19.45

42) Ceylon Shipping Agency Private Limited 1

43) S L/Libya Agricultural & Livestock Development Co. 21

44) The Lanka Hospitals Corporation PLC 259

45) VINC Advertising Pvt. Limited (under Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation) 1

46) Southern Development Financial Co, Ltd, (under People’s Bank) 2

47) Hotel Colombo (1963) Ltd. (under Bank of Ceylon) 17

48) Ceybank Holiday Homes, Nt. Ltd. (under Bank of Ceylon) 1

49) Southern Development Financial Limited (under Bank of Ceylon) 2

50) HDFC Real State Development (under HDFC Bank) 34

51) Peliyagoda Ware House Complex Co. Ltd. (under HDFC Bank) 20

52) Urban Investment Development Co. Pvt. Ltd.(under UDA) 03

53) UDA Resthouses Ltd (under UDA) 15

54) Lanka Coal Co. Ltd.(under CEB) 06

55) Lakdiva Engineering Co. Ltd. (under Ministry of Transport) 29

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