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Daily Mirror scribe assaulted

brokenpenDaily Mirror senior journalist Sandun A. Jayasekera was assaulted by security officers providing security at the Maharagama cancer hospital while President Mahinda Rajapaksa was attending an event at the hospital this morning.

According to Mr. Jayasekara the security officers had not allowed him to enter the premises to cover the event despite him receiving an official media invitation. Mr. Jayasekara had produced his media card to the security officers but they had scolded him in filth.

However later officers of the Presidential security Division (PSD) who had recognized Mr. Jayasekera invited him inside to cover the event.

Following the event when Mr. Jayasekara was leaving the premises the soldiers who had earlier prevented him from entering the premises rounded him up and assaulted him seemingly embarrassed that he was allowed in to cover the event despite the soldiers not giving him permission. 

Mr. Jayasekara was admitted to the Colombo National hospital for treatment a short while ago. (Daily Mirror online)

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