Sri Lanka certainly runs the risk of losing an ideal opportunity to give a sense of direction to the country today if the voters get carried away with fancy promises or the bloated images of good for nothing candidates. The smug complacency of war victory and empty, loud rhetoric have partially blinded many to the reality that this country needs professionals and dignified persons to exploit economic opportunities that have come our way as a result of the resurgence in Asia.
The soldiers have done their part by unifying the country. They have given opportunities for national integration on a platter to the rest of the countrymen. However the politicians and the rest of the country have so far failed to keep the momentum as they continue to make heroes out of the empty headed.
Consecutive provincial polls have proven that the people still vote for muscle power over brain capacity. Some have been voted right to the top. Voters also go for people who had charges of murder and corruption slapped against them at some point or the other. And more often than not they figure on a higher slot than those who have the potential to be statesmen and genuinely contribute to the country’s growth.
What many fail to see is that while we continue to make gross blunders by electing the wrong people to parliament, the rest of the region is making giant strides to grab the opportunities that come their way. And unless Sri Lanka votes prudently today we will be left with a parliament that will push us out of the development track and make us suffer eternally.
First of all the voters should be able to see through the larger than life cutouts and bill boards and sift the wheat from chaff. In short to separate reality from drama. There are blabbermouths who claim that it is the duty of the nation to vote for them. Then there are others who have ruined the country’s reputation but insist that they have conquered the world. Some call them the right hand of the President. All three types have miserably failed in delivering goods.
In addition to these there are celluloid faces trying to woo the voters with their romantic overtures posing so very innocently for cameras.
Surely these are not the kind of people to whom Sri Lanka should handover the fate of twenty million people.
In order to avoid regretting later it is mandatory that we pick the best – the professionals and the dignified.