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Polypto petrol in Ministry vehicles


Polypto Lanka petrol (Petrol made using waste plastics) launched on March 31, 2010 would be used in all the trishaws and motor bikes belonging to Environment and Natural Resources Ministry. This measure was taken as an initial move towards promoting Polypto Lanka petrol among the local fuel consumers.

Polypto Lanka venture in Yatiyanthota, still a pilot project, is planned to be developed into a commercial venture by its stakeholders, the Central Environmental Authority (CEA), University of Moratuwa (UoM) and Mr. Ananda Withanage, the developer of this technique.

“We are attempting to  further develop and purify the fuel before introducing it to the local markets. There is also several vehicle emission and performance tests to be conducted prior the market launch,” said CEA National Post Consumer Plastic Waste management project CEO/ Project Director, Roshan Gunawardena.

 CEA in collaboration with the developer of the novel concept, Ananda Withanage and several members of Chemical and Process Department UoM had embarked on this venture in 2009.

“The plant currently has the capability of processing 500-1000 kilos of waste plastics daily and the fuel outcome ranges between 500 – 1000 liters,” said Mr. Withanage.

Polypto has already been tested on trishaws and motor bikes and exposed to a vehicle emission for those vehicles through which they were approved. It has also got approval from the CPC .

Environment and Natural Resources Minister Ranwaka  said that the project would be developed through collaborating it with the Pilisaru project.

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