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Five media organizations condemn the arrest of journalist Ruwan Weerakoon

mediafrThe five media organisations condemn the arrest of defense correspondent Ruwan Weerakoon by the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) few days ago and demand  his immediate release. Ruwan Weerakoon works for The Nation and the Bottom Line newspapers in Colombo and Asia Tribune website. 

As a defense correspondent journalist Ruwan Weerakoon had a close association with General     ( Rtd.)  Sarath Fonseka during the last phase of the war with LTTE  and it was reported that because of this association he received death threats from a navy commander in early 2009.  In our opinion the arrest of Ruwan Weerakoon, which seems to be a politically motivated victimization is direct result of his journalism practice.

We request the Inspector General of Police to disclose the reasons behind the arrest and detention of Ruwan Weerakoon and make arrangements for him to receive legal aid immediately,   if the TID intends to keep him in detention.  

It was just a month ago the president Mahinda Rajapaksha ordered police to inform him before arresting any media personal. Our organisations would like to know whether that procedure was followed in arresting Ruwan Weerakoon and  presidential consent was obtain for the arrest.

Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA), Free Media Movement (FMM), Sri Lanka Tamil Journalists Alliance (SLTJA), Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum (SLMFF) & Federation of Media Employee Trade Union (FMEPU).

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