Non-cabinet Justice Minister Dilan Perera, MP, yesterday said that President Mahinda Rajapaksa would introduce a new Act in Parliament to fight waste, corruption and irregularities in the public sector. Addressing the media at the Mahaweli Centre, the Minister said that this would be the first Bill to be tabled in the House after the forthcoming presidential polls.
Responding to an Island query why the government had conveniently failed to act on damning findings of parliamentary watchdog committees as well as periodic revelations by the Auditor General in some instances with regard to waste, corruption and irregularities in the House, the Minister claimed that existing laws were not adequate to tackle corruption.
He said that people expressed sentiments similar to that of The Island, though anti-corruption laws had to be strengthened to tackle the issue which he asserted was as threatening as terrorism. He said those found guilty of robbing public money should be executed. The death penalty should be imposed on robber barons first of all though many demanded Capital punishment for rape and killings, he said.
Now that the war had been won, President Rajapaksa’s primary task would be fighting corruption, he said.