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Rent Control Board money withdrawn without valid approval – MC Opposition Leader

by Cyril Wimalasurendre – The Island 

KANDY – The Opposition Leader of the Kandy Municipal Council Sena Dissanayake (UPFA). warned at the monthly meeting held recently that public funds of the Municipal Council had been withdrawn illegally by a section of the municipal employees and shared it among themselves.

Dissanayake alleged that money from the Rent Control Board Account of the Council had been withdrawn without valid approval.

He said, such a withdrawal from the House Rent Control Board Account could be made only with the approval of the Governor who was the head of the institution. “It is irregular to withdraw and use any money from the account pending the approval of the Governor”.

Recalling an earlier incident, Dissanayake recalled an incident where the mayor at the time was found fault by the Housing Ministry for such an act.

The House Rent Control Board funds belonged to the public and it must be protected, he said.

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