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Open Government Partnership: Mongolia delegation concludes successful experience sharing visit to Sri Lanka

A delegation of local government representatives from Mongolia, led by Minister & Head of Cabinet Secretariat Jamyangiin Mönkhbat and the Ambassador of Mongolia in New Delhi Gonchig Ganbold, visited Sri Lanka from May 15-19 2017, as part of an experience sharing program on the Open Government Partnership (OGP).

During their stay the delegation participated in an experience sharing workshop on May 16, covering the implementation of Sri Lanka’s OGP national action plan, with the participation of civil society orgnaisations including Transparency International Sri Lanka, Sarvodaya, the Sevalanka Foundation, the Centre for Policy Alternatives, the Federation of Sri Lankan Local Government Authorities, The Public Interest Law Foundation, the Eastern Social Development Foundation, the NGO National Action Front and the NGO Management & Development Centre.

An international platform for domestic reformers committed to making their governments more open, accountable, and responsive to citizens, the OGP formally launched on September 20, 2011, when the 8 founding governments (Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, the Philippines, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States) endorsed the Open Government Declaration, and announced their country action plans.

Sri Lanka, the 68th member of the OGP having joined on October 28, 2015 – is currently in the process of implementing its national action plan for 2015-2017 with 12 commitments across 9 themes.

A notable feature of the OGP National Action Plan is that it is a joint creation of the Government of Sri Lanka and Civil Society.

To find out more about the OGP initiative visit

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