The late Nihal Perera , former Superintendent of Noori Estate in Ratnapura who paid the price with his life for fighting against corruption and fraud won the National Integrity Award 2014 for his fearless work at a ceremony held at the BMICH on 09th December.
The audience stood up and observed two minutes silence as a mark of respect at the end of which his wife Sunethra Perera walked up and received award from chief guest Elmo Perera former chairman of OPA.
The teacher Susila Herath from Navagathegama of Puttlam district who fought a battle against a powerful political hierarchy in the edistrict after she was forced to kneel down before a Provincial politician won recognition with a Special Mention for her bravery.
To honour these people who stood against corrupt Politicians on whose behalf the thugs operated and paid by their lives is commendable and should be a on-going practice.